Why Saudi Arabia will see four seasons in 24 hours?

An expert in the field of meteorology said that Saudi Arabia is entering a stage is "the most violent" in the climatic stages that are exposed, and lasts for 60 days. And according to a Arabiya, an expert in the field of meteorology Brackish Khalid he said: "The UK live stage during these days of the heaviest climatic phases called phase transition spring."

Brackish and added: "gets in this period that we live four seasons in one day, and cooler temperatures and rain and dust." Brackish He noted that this period called "Alemraoih" When we find the population, which means summer rains that form in the afternoon, has been named "Amrawih" because if a solution darkness, the rain unwind or leave.

As far as the dust, the Brackish pointed out that it is divided into two types Stchehdahma Kingdom over the next 60-day period, the two dust "settler" dust "imported", where the difference between them that I have at frequent intervals and followed by rain the event will last until the evening, in while dust "imported" is loaded with dust coming from Kuwait and Iraq to degrade traveler in the skies Kingdom, describing it Balokhtr because it leads to "Ketmh" a bra occurrence of shortness of breath, not accompanied by rain at all.

He said that the dust "settler" is usually white in color, and cloud formation tanker him "Jack" which starts from under the ground to the top, while the color is "imported" red and accompanied by wind.

According to published Arabiya, the Health Affairs in Riyadh declared a state of emergency and raise the full readiness of emergency departments in all hospitals to provide appropriate medical services for patients who may be affected by dust wave taking place in cities and provinces of the region.

He warned the Director General of Health Affairs in Riyadh-designate, Dr. Nasser al-Dossari people with asthma from exposure to dust and take necessary using preventive medications and stay away preventative measures as much as possible triggers for allergies, and not to leave home and not being in open spaces in such an atmosphere unless necessary, and to follow the doctor's instructions carefully and the use of medications to avoid injury crises usury ordered by your doctor and close the windows of houses and workplaces well.

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