10 most dangerous animals in the world

You might think that some of these animals are harmless, but these creatures may threaten your life if affected or even anger without provoking anger, was surprised by the presence of some of the creatures in this list may not have comes to mind one day they may be harmless. Below we recognize the 10 animals are considered the most dangerous in the world, and you will be surprised when you find out that size does not always affect the level of seriousness of these creatures.

10. seahorse or lacquer

Usually it provides lacquer in animated films gentle and wonderful animal, but in fact it can be life-threatening in some cases, where the males and females of this huge animal may have special reasons to attack humans. For example, if the male hippopotamus is always doing his best to defend the regions that are its territory, such as the banks of the lake or river, on the other hand, it can be a female hippo very aggressive when it comes to protecting their young. In both cases, the mouths of horses huge river can kill anyone.

9. Australian Jellyfish

This type of jellyfish found in northern oceans of Australia, and is considered the most dangerous poisonous sea creature in the world, where it owns about 60 of the claws up to 15 feet in length which is found under the cover of a large bell-shaped or jellyfish. These arms, and contains special cells Aaav bites, these microscopic cells resemble small capsules, containing inside the coiled tube ends blink in the form of injection, and in one spot mL There are about Aaav of these toxic cells.

8. Bear gray

These infrastructure that live in North America that weigh up to 800 kg bears, and up to 8 feet in length, and can speed this Bear to reach about 30 miles per hour. The Common causes include assault and murder of a man defending her cubs or severe hunger.

7. Great White Shark

These sharks in length up to 15 feet, and has rows of sharp teeth that resemble the saw and up to 300, and measure up to his mouth and jaws four feet. But human beings are not a meal favorite, as the great white shark prefers sea lions and seals, which tend to explore their environment by using their mouths, so the most attacks on humans are just bites to the test, as the white shark back down immediately after the bite of any creature, but the bite is serious, including enough to kill humans.


Of the largest mammals that live on land, native to Africa and a few parts of the Asian continent. Everyone thinks that the elephants giant creatures but they are nice, but they can be unexpected behavior appear and behave in such a way that the human cost of his life, and perhaps may have heard about the elephant prisoner who was always nice with his bodyguard and suddenly without warning, attacked him! Phil can thanks to the enormous weight to crush and kill anyone in his way.

5. alligator

Crocodiles defined as the largest reptiles on the planet, and among the most dangerous types find Nile crocodiles and saltwater responsible for killing hundreds of people every year. There are several parts of the world where alligators thrive, such as the Americas, Australia, Asia and tropical areas of Africa, where they exist, lakes, swamps and rivers stagnant, it is imperative that the crocodiles are nearby. Up alligator along usually to 20 feet, and have ears and eyes at the top of her head, which allows them to hear and see their prey quickly.

4. Buffalo

Native to Africa, and can buffaloes to be very aggressive, where it is responsible for the deaths of more than 200 people each year and this is the reason called "Black Death" by the local population, up buffalo weight to 1800 kg and a tool to kill him are sharp horns.

3. Snake

There are many types of snakes threatening the lives of humans, where the researchers noted that 450 of these types contain poison, and 250 of them can kill humans. Snake carpet is responsible for the largest number of deaths due to snakebite, where it can be for the victim to bleed to death because the blood does not clot.

2. African lion

It is known for the lion's ferocity sharp teeth and claws and speed amazing when chasing its prey, usually kills the female in search of food, while males are killed to protect their pride, and based on the statistics, the black responsible for more than a hundred deaths.

1. Mosquito

You may be surprised that the insect occupies first place this list, but the lesson here is not the size, Despite the fact that these creatures are very small, they are very deadly, with more than a million people die each year because of life-threatening diseases and carried by these insects, such as malaria and yellow fever West Nile virus and elephantiasis and dengue fever.

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