Small errors, but changed the course of history

It is hard to believe that small errors can have a tremendous impact on the course of history, but this is what actually happened, translation of false speech is important led to the devastating disaster, and the failure of coordination between the police chief and a military governor led to the outbreak of the First World War.
Small errors, but changed the course of history

First World War

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire sparked the First World War, but how was it murder? Ferdinand went to visit Sarajevo in a convoy of cars which were thrown at his car bomb Serb assassination team, but the bomb rolled over and exploded in the car behind the car, here was the assassination failed, even happened two things, the first thing to go Gavrilo Princip one of the members of the assassination team to a cafe in one of the streets of Sarajevo, was not this street is subject to any security measures because of a dispute between Sarajevo police chief and military governor of the area, the second is the sudden decision to Ferdinand to go to the military hospital to check on the wounded, to pass his car in the same street where the cafe and sees Gavrilo it is called a fire and kill him.

Error prolonged the American Civil War

North was able to gain forces the American Civil War faster if they bought a modern and cheap rifles from Britain, but the head of the northern army ammunition James Wolfe Ripley rejected this outright, given the deep hatred of the British. Later I bought these guns south forces and achieved several victories thanks to which, after the war, the victory of the North has been isolated James Wolfe Ripley.

Why slammed ship Titanic Jebel ice?
Titanic ship

Because the man in charge of monitoring the icy mountains was not equipped with a telescopic sight, because of the change the second officer in the ship before the flight shortly leading to forget the former officer to deliver the second officer treasurers which saves a stethoscope keys.

One of the reasons for the success of the Allied attack

In June 6, 1944 Allied troops landed on the French beaches to begin the liberation of Europe from Nazi occupation process, at the same time was Marshal Rommel, commander responsible for the defense of France on vacation in Germany, the birthday of his wife to celebrate the Nazi forces, Commander Rommel was believed that the bad weather will prevent the Allies the implementation of any attack.

Typing error

In 1631 the Robert Parker Press delete the banishment of one of commandments contained in the Bible characters, became a commandment urges adultery, printed many copies of this gospel that contains this mistake, and the result was that the number of people committing adultery in the seventeenth century .
When King Charles I discovered this gross error is burning all the Bibles containing the error, and pull the printing of the Gospel of Robert Parker Press license, at the present time, there are still 11 copy of that Gospel.

Berlin Wall fell bureaucratic mistake

In 1989 with the collapse of the grip of the East German government with a desire Gorbachev of the Soviet Union's leader in reconciliation with the West, there was a tendency to facilitate travel between the two parts of Berlin, but during the time allocated to announce easing the face of a reporter's question to an existing conference Guenter Schabowski asking it when procedures press conference this decision will become effective, the answer Guenter "this decision is effective immediately and without delay", which led to a large influx of travelers to West Germany and disruption to passenger traffic, which was the cause of the fall of the Berlin wall.
Obscure language

Allied forces asked Japan currently full and unconditional surrender, went out the Japanese Suzuki Prime Minister to deliver a letter of approval to surrender, but he used an obscure language, because of his knowledge of rejecting the military leaders to express full and unconditional surrender, Translators failed intended speech understanding, and I think the Allies that Japan It refuses to surrender, so the Americans bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear bombs.

A failed escape

When King Louis XVI realized that the French Revolution successful inevitably, tried to escape from France alone, but his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette insisted that comes with it is the children, during the escape flight boarded two luxury vehicle, which caught the eye and summoned undergo vehicle inspection by rebel forces, Vvclt escape.

the source

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