7 things you should never do in social networks

Social networks have emerged very small idea, but today it eventually become a formidable force can not be underestimated, especially as it is involved in a very large part of our daily lives. Millions, but we can say billions of people line up daily outside social networks of different kinds sites such as Facebook or Google Plus or LinkedIn or Bandreast to look at almost everything, this is somehow a wonderful thing because no one of us can not deny that social networks may have contributed to the establishment a new type of communication did not see him ever seen before. This communication has contributed to our understanding and our participation you a multitude of information and knowledge we would not have it, or at least have enough time to know without social networks, in addition to the new forms of technology and websites have emerged thanks to these networks.
Through this article we will shed light on the other side of social networks, which is precisely some of the habits and the things that show the status of addiction and the vanity and most of us from time to time. This list of seven things you should stop doing it on social networks.

Hunt and track the life of a former partner

It is likely that the majority of social networking users have committed this error, but this does not mean that it is true, the use of social networks to inspect and follow up the life of a former partner for you on a regular basis is a surefire way to keep belongings unnecessary and fill your life with drama and mental comparisons that may make you frustrated way. The use of social networks as a communication channel between you and your former acquaintances and is used to keep track of their lives is another matter. You've cut off your relationship with these people, in fact for some reason do not forget it and do not try to dispersion of yourself, and control every move they make on social networking sponsor occupy your mind with ideas going back to the opposite direction to the one who is going where.

Show yourself perfectly

One of the most important things that you offered us our own profile or personal our pages in social networks is an opportunity to create and show our personalities as we want, even if it is false, we choose very carefully Personal our images that others will see it and formulate our publications brilliantly and eloquence could not find some literary books or those Smart publications and exotic knitted meticulously, and we admire the publications and pages or join groups to reflect the shape that we want people to Taatsorna do, the end result is a perfect picture of you and aspiring actually reach it. Instead of shooting yourself falsely could collapse with the first personal confrontation or bring to the attention of really know you and reduces your business in their view, did not use social networks as an ideal platform to express them honestly about yourself and connect with people who share similar interests.

Responding to something in anger or sarcasm

Of course, what distinguishes social networking and communication ", and a building block of this basic communication in most social networking is fairly comments, so if mispronounce use has mispronounce communicate with others, and we must never underestimate any comment you write. Many people take social networking seriously to beyond the border will be affected by your own words. No matter how much research it took to prepare your publication or interest provided that you will always find that comment cynical or pedant, of course this does not mean that everyone should agree with each publication you write or share it, but there is a clear difference between Constructive criticism that illustrates a different point of view can be for the other party to take into the test, and the sarcastic remarks pedantic paid fuel hatred, anger and hatred. The next time you find yourself in different with something tried to choose the most rational sense way to express hear that you disagree and that will be in the end, the best way to think is taken into account.

Talks to do the task

Can for our conversation at this point specifically to include SMS as well, and all other means of written conversation. If there is one thing in which these tools are woefully delivery is the way in which the tone of Inquiry destination fail. It is known that the communication between humans is based on a very large body and different gestures and expressions of the language, and in the case of written communication through talks, none of it shows the other party. All of us are likely to have been subjected to a situation where misunderstandings occur because understanding Inquiry in a manner contrary to what you mean or have to explain exaggerated to convey that meaning, be it humor or something serious. When there is a need to go to an important conversation with someone you have to go out of the virtual world and talk to him face to face, or at least talk to him via a video or voice call.

Comparing yourself to others

With the huge number of people's lives that we easily accessible and viewed the push of a finger, it's easy to find ourselves frequently compare ourselves to others, whether they are friends or friends of participants or just knowledge, you have to first realize that what you see may be a result of the point, "show yourself ideal "that we talked about and thus fall prey to jealousy because something is real or exaggerated. Second, regardless of the validity of what you see or not, instead of comparing yourself the lives of others you'll either be happy with sincerity or at least does not sponsor her attention, there will always be shared something about his life, whether to get a new job or a promotion or Go a wonderful place or acquisition of something special, social networks are based on the participation of life events and therefore if these things draw your attention and move the feelings of jealousy inside you that you do not pay attention to it from the beginning.

That makes the basic and Celtic social networking

 Yes, social networks allow us to communicate and have a lot of features, but they do not sing and can not in any way become a basic Celtic social networking, in the end it's just a default lifeless Loa world no visual communication or body language or feelings can sense it, quite the contrary, there is criticism and misunderstanding and lack of feeling for others because you simply do not see them, and spend the time to lose the social account regularly you have to spend more and more time to lose your real life and your role in the society they live.

Publishing in order to draw attention and get the plaudits

Get the "impressive", "suspend", "Share", "Retweet" or any other sign of approbation and approval can always be things fun and exhilarating, especially if it was in response to the publication Sadiq came from your heart or intelligent taxed the brain signals , but which must draw attention to him is a situation in which you choose the deployment of things sole purpose of which is to get the approval and acceptance, to draw attention, it may be seats it or puzzling bit of human nature seeks instinctively behind it, but the goal here is to look at our motives true when you publish something (or any other act, in fact), and rather than look externally for something that makes us feel better sense, we have to look internally and we hope to learn how to love ourselves as it is, regardless of whether or not we accept the others.

If the things that we can do it?

Most of us, of course, is well aware of how to use social networks and take advantage of them, but there is no harm to mention some valid ways in which we can take advantage of their social networks.

To stay in touch with friends and relatives.

To communicate with people who share the same ideas and opinions around the world.

That we support and we support each other.

To follow and share pages and groups that fall within the scope of your interest publications.

To spread awareness of the issues and news that do not find a platform to them.

To spread science and knowledge.

That contribute to spreading the idea or initiative carrying the good of the people.

The Tschdamha in the development of the private business.

To come together easily to be able to make a difference.


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