Who finds himself unable to swallow food after waking up, which is why

Many of the basic dynamic actions of your body do it without asking or up to you to protect and preserve your life, Kaptlaa Rivk air between each period and another, or close your eyes involuntarily when sneezing, or breathing dozens of times per minute without feeling. But do you got to wake up one day to sleep and you are unable to swallow food suddenly? Is this normal or is it something to worry about?

Swallowing process usually occur as a result of a complex interaction between nerves and muscles, in 22 pairs of muscles and 7 cranial nerves involved in this process. Usually swallowing be optional process involuntarily, but also be an automatic process Kaptlaek of spit and mucus and air, and when swallowing stops, one feels like choking.
The causes of dysphagia food and how to cure
Known scientifically inability to swallow food when you wake up from sleep dysphagia, a semi-rare condition afflicting 13% of the world population, and is often associated with people who suffer from neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, or GERD acid disease, or have had a history of patients with strokes or have undergone chemotherapy focuses on the head and neck.

Dysphagia many health problems associated with the most important bottleneck, it can also get pneumonia because of the overlap of food and food with the airway when dysphagia, in addition to the common problem of tooth decay to those who suffer from this disease, weight loss and dehydration.

Researchers are trying hard to find better treatments to help the patient to swallow and deal with the psychological harm they could not do the simplest natural physical things. Among the treatments given to the patient segments savor the taste of chicken or donuts to stimulate the secretion of saliva, which helps to swallowing, as you some food companies to produce a gelatinous material three-dimensional printing technology to facilitate swallowing. Some researchers are conducting experiments to stimulate neurons and mechanical organs in the body to help the process of swallowing, but it is still in the experimental stages.

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