3 best tourist destinations can be visited as high $

Many of us are afraid to travel at times when exchange rates are high, especially the US dollar, but in this topic Snarafkm the best three places you can travel to in times of high dollar.
3 best tourist destinations can be visited as a stronger $

Taipei, capital of Taiwan

Recently suspended hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions in the Taiwan city of a significant reduction in prices, as this decline reached 10.5% of the original price, and the dollar also saw a decline of 5%.

Marrakech, Morocco

Marrakech has seen a huge reduction in the total cost of hotels and tourist attractions, where up to 30%, so the impact on the value of the Moroccan dirham decreasing by 7% compared with the US dollar, so it is a destination suitable for tourists.

Prague, capital of the Czech Republic

Financial terms, the cost of living has dropped by 10% from previous years, making it a destination for tourists suitable for those wishing to see the attractions at the lowest cost.

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